Why Work With A Surrogacy Agency

Why Work With A Surrogacy Agency vs Having An Independent Journey?

In all fairness, surrogacy journeys are expensive, primarily because many professionals need to coordinate efforts to bring about a positive outcome. To reduce costs, some intended parents choose to do an independent journey without the assistance of a surrogacy agency. After all, with the most fundamental elements of a journey – the surrogate, IVF clinic, and attorneys – a surrogacy journey can happen. Intended parents may wonder why a surrogacy agency is also necessary for the process?

We at Capital Surrogacy comprehend the financial challenges of a surrogacy journey. For this reason, our agency fees are among the lowest in the industry and we have a significantly reduced rate if you join us with your own surrogate candidate.

We feel strongly that an agency is central to the success of a surrogacy journey. At bare minimum, it will make the process significantly easier to navigate. Moreover, intended parents will be assured that all appropriate medical and legal steps have been executed properly. In most circumstances, the benefits of working with an agency far outweigh the financial costs.

Intended parents can gain crucial assistance from surrogacy agencies. Below are some of the most important contributions that surrogacy agencies, such as Capital Surrogacy, can provide to intended parents throughout their journeys.

  1. Agencies locate, screen, and only accept highly qualified surrogates.

Agencies follow the recommendations of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) in selecting surrogate candidates. ASRM is made up of the top fertility doctors in the US who have extensive firsthand experience with the characteristics of a great surrogate candidate.  Most fertility clinics follow the ASRM guidelines when they screen surrogates as part of the medical clearance process These surrogate guidelines from ASRM include:

  • Be of legal age, and preferably between the ages of 21-45 years.
  • Carried at least one term, healthy pregnancy without complications.
  • No more than 5 prior pregnancies, and no more than 3 c-section deliveries.
  • Stable home environment with adequate support.
  • Pass a psychological evaluation.
  • Complete a medical evaluation by a qualified medical professional and be cleared.
  • No tattoo or piercing within the past 12 months.
  • A surrogate and her partner must not use drugs or abuse alcohol.
  • Non-smoker.
  • Healthy Body Mass Index (BMI).

It takes agencies a significant investment of time and resources to screen potential surrogate candidates for these, and other critical characteristics. Agencies also have experience in screening candidates and it may be a great deal more challenging for intended parents to screen and make sure that all guidelines are in place. Agencies make sure that any surrogate candidate presented to the intended parents already fulfills the needed qualifications. In other words, the agency prescreening reduces the possibility of investing resources in a prospective surrogate that is simply not qualified. Another assurance is that if your surrogate is disqualified medically at any point in the surrogacy journey or voluntarily leaves, Capital Surrogacy will help you locate another surrogate at no additional expense to the intended parents.

  1. Most agencies have a number of surrogate candidates.

Working with an agency is particularly attractive to surrogates. Agencies make sure that safeguards are in place for surrogates at crucial points in the journey – procuring insurance, finding reputable attorneys specializing in ART in the surrogate’s jurisdiction, making sure that compensation is fair and payments timely, and they are an important intermediary with the intended parents in sometimes difficult conversations. For this reason, you may not find the biggest, or even best, selection of surrogate candidates online or through advertisements. Most surrogates simply prefer working with an agency.

  1. Agencies provide ongoing emotional support and are truly your advocates.

Surrogacy journeys, even in the best of circumstances, are often emotional, with some ups and downs. A surrogacy agency case manager will guide and streamline the journey to minimize any obstacles or uncertainties. We are also there during unexpected events that unfortunately, are not uncommon, such as failed transfers, miscarriages and even unanticipated medical issues with the baby. These moments are often difficult for the intended parents and surrogates, perhaps in different ways, and the agency can tailor their support to both parties. We can also refer intended parents and surrogates to experienced third party professionals that prevent as well as resolve any emotional issues in the journey. Furthermore, we screen our surrogates as carefully as we screen our intended parents to ensure safety and security for everyone.

  1. Your agency will help with each and every step of the journey.

A surrogacy journey is not a quick process but requires many steps strategically taken over at least 13 months (keeping in mind that a full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks). It will take a great deal of time and a steep learning curve for first time intended parents to properly navigate the process. Instead, an agency can provide all services and you can be confident that all parts of the process are properly executed. Although fully invested in the process, you will be able to devote the necessary time to other important parts of your life.

  1. You will have access to and referrals to the most qualified professionals in the surrogacy field.

Most, but not all, first time intended parents start the journey with only their IVF clinic. They will also require a local clinic for the surrogate’s monitoring, reputable attorneys specialized in ART for themselves and for the surrogate, mental health professionals for the psychological screenings, insurance providers, an escrow company, passport assistance if international, etc. to complete their journeys. Surrogacy agencies spend ample time building relationships with third party professionals and providing these resources to their intended parents. The journey is made more positive and stronger with the most qualified and experienced team involved.

Capital Surrogacy has an exclusive professional partnership with Nicole White of the Kinsey Law Group, P.C. Nicole will provide expert legal representation for intended parents while also delivering support, guidance, and a smooth legal process. Nicole’s services include drafting, negotiating, and reviewing surrogacy agreements as well as obtaining pre-birth and post-birth parentage orders. There is an exclusive discounted rate with the Kinsey Law Group if using Capital Surrogacy as the surrogacy agency.

With Capital Surrogacy, you will form a partnership with surrogacy agency professionals who have had their own successful journeys. We will work tirelessly to achieve your dream of having a baby plus ensure a calm and fulfilling experience throughout. We encourage all intended parents to contact Capital Surrogacy and learn more about our processes and overall philosophy. Please visit and complete the short intended parent inquiry form, we cannot wait to hear from you!