Surrogate FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

There is so much to learn about the surrogacy process. No two journeys are exactly alike so we are here to provide all the necessary information you will need in order to have the best surrogacy journey possible. Listed below are some of the common questions we are asked. If you don’t see your question listed below, please visit our inquiry page and reach out to us with any questions.

Understanding Surrogacy

There are many reasons why people turn to surrogacy. Some couples have battled infertility for far too long and have exhausted all other options. In other cases, there are women who are medically unable to carry their own children due to a physical issue. Same sex couples and single men may turn to surrogacy with the help of donor eggs to achieve parenthood. In many cases, surrogacy provides the chance for individuals to have a child that is biologically related to them.

There are intended parents who want to add to their families and there are others who are looking to start their road to parenthood with their very first child. Both domestic and international couples work with Capital Surrogacy because of the legal and medical resources supporting surrogacy found only in the United States.

At Capital Surrogacy, our surrogates are all gestational carriers. In gestational surrogacy, an embryo is transferred with no biological relation to the surrogate. In this way, the surrogate becomes pregnant without a genetic connection and carries a baby for the intended parents.

On the other hand, a traditional surrogate is a woman who uses her own eggs and the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm to become pregnant using artificial insemination (or sometimes IVF) to carry a baby for someone else.

COVID-19 has changed specific steps in the process but has not limited the fulfillment that surrogates and intended parents receive from the experience. Increased safety measures are in place in medical facilities to protect individuals from possible exposure. This may limit the number of support persons available in procedure rooms especially during the embryo transfer and birth. We will learn the COVID-19 policies of the birth facility in advance and develop a birth plan with realistic expectations.

Many IVF clinics require surrogates to have the COVID-19 vaccine, lowering the risk of potential complications from COVID-19 during pregnancy.

With today’s technology, it has become easier now more than ever to connect with people no matter what their location. Online videoconference calls make it possible to complete many steps in the process when meeting face to face is not possible.

Deciding to be a Surrogate with Capital Surrogacy

We are a small agency devoted to our surrogates and intended parents, and we’ve built a compassionate, dedicated, reliable agency you can trust. You will not be transferred from staff person to staff person as tends to happen with larger agencies. You will work with the same Case Manager from start to finish.

We are also bilingual (English and Spanish) which means that we can partner successfully with Spanish speaking surrogates and intended parents. 

We have firsthand experience from both the intended parent and surrogate sides. In experiencing the surrogacy journey ourselves, we know the importance of each step. Time matters. We are on call 24/7 for emergencies and have very flexible hours to work with your schedule. Our mission is to help guide and support you through the process for a joyful and fulfilling experience.

Absolutely. We are here to make the process easier on you and your intended parents by managing your case so you can focus on the journey. We offer a deeply discounted rate to those who have already matched without the help of our agency but you will still receive the protection of having your journey managed for you.

Most importantly, we will ensure that all of the possible protections are in place in the contract, and more importantly, that they are delivered to you. For instance, life insurance, lost wages for medical appointments, bedrest (if doctor ordered), and recovery post-delivery.

We will also provide case management taking on the responsibilities of many tasks and guiding the surrogacy journey. And we will provide emotional support creating a less stressful environment so you can focus on enjoying your journey. You will have our full support in every aspect, each step of the way. You will have piece of mind knowing your Case Manager is focused on taking the workload off of you and the intended parents while building a trusting relationship to support you in any way possible.

Becoming a surrogate takes a very special woman who is both selfless and compassionate. Beyond all of the requirements necessary to become a surrogate, the more successful surrogates are patient with the process, have great attention to detail, are trustworthy, and most importantly, get a tremendous amount of gratification from providing others the priceless gift of parenthood.

Please see the requirements to become a surrogate with Capital Surrogacy.

This will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the intended parent’s IVF clinic. A board certified medical professional will determine what medications are acceptable based on your medical history. However, most IVF clinics require a 12 month period since the last dose for antidepressants.

Yes. Having your tubes tied prevents an ovulated egg from reaching your uterus. Being a gestational surrogate does not involve using your own eggs. A tubal ligation does not affect your ability to have an embryo implanted into your uterus using IVF.

You will have to start fertility medication in preparation for the embryo transfer. The reproductive endocrinologist at the IVF clinic will determine your medication regimen. Most likely you will have to discontinue your birth control and go on the medication the medical professional provides to prevent your own ovulation during the embryo transfer process.

The guidelines depend on the IVF clinic working with the intended parents. However, it is recommended that you wait at least 6 months after your last delivery and are no longer breastfeeding to begin the medical clearance process. 

This is a very important decision to make. Many intended parents turning to surrogacy have been dreaming of this for a very long time and are very emotionally invested. We urge you to take your time and to do plenty of research on the topic before deciding to become a surrogate. We want you to be sure of your decision but if at any time before legal contracts are signed you decide that surrogacy isn’t for you, we support your choice.

Understanding the Process

View the surrogate qualifications to see if you are a good candidate to become a surrogate. Fill out our online inquiry form. After you submit the inquiry form, someone from our team will contact you shortly. If you meet all of the initial requirements, you will then move forward to the screening process. If you have questions and want to speak with someone before you apply, please email us at We’d love to hear from you and will answer any questions you may have.

Step 1: Complete Inquiry Form

Step 2: Pre-Screening & Complete Relationship Planner/ Application Form – (phone interview, reference check, background check, home visit)

Step 3: Individual Psychological Evaluation & Initial Medical Records Review

Step 4: Matching with Intended Parent(s)

Step 5: Joint Psychological Evaluation & Medical Clearance

Step 6: Legal Contracts

Step 7: IVF Medications & Embryo Transfer

Step 8: Pregnancy Test

Step 9: Pregnancy Monitoring, OBGYN Appointments, Ultrasounds (around week 10 you will be turned over to your OBGYN doctor)

Step 10: Give the Gift of Life!

There are many factors that will determine how long the process will take. We are dedicated to providing a structured and seamless process. You can expect the entire process, from start to finish, to take at least 13 months (keeping in mind that a full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks).

In order to become a surrogate, it is important to have a strong support system. A partner needs to be supportive of your choice because he/she will ultimately play a role in your journey. Your partner will need to pass a background check and psychological evaluation as well as have bloodwork done for medical clearance by the intended parent’s IVF clinic. After that it is at the discretion of you and the intended parents whether your partner will attend appointments and/or be in the delivery room. Regardless, the most successful surrogacy journeys involve partners who are fully committed to the experience.

Yes, you absolutely get to choose. There are so many different people in need of your help. It is important to make sure that both the surrogate and intended parent have the same views and want the same type of journey. The right match ensures a joyful, fulfilling experience for everyone. We will send you an intended parent profile that is compatible with the answers you provided in your surrogate questionnaire. If you decide you are interested in being their surrogate, the next step is having a guided videoconference call. After the call is completed, you will let us know if you would like to proceed or continue with a different prospective family.

You will start with the IVF clinic working with the intended parents. At the IVF clinic, you will receive the medical clearance and the embryo transfer to become pregnant. After the embryo transfer, you remain under the care of the IVF clinic until about the 10th week of pregnancy. After you are cleared by the IVF clinic, you are then turned over to your own OBGYN. You may use the OBGYN and hospital of your choice as long as it meets the criteria outlined in the agreement and the OBGYN is equipped to medically manage the pregnancy. For instance, a multiple pregnancy is always considered high risk and a specialized OBGYN (MFM/perinatologist) will follow the pregnancy in these cases.

This will depend on your current health insurance policy. We will review your benefits to see if you have a surrogacy exclusion. If there is an exclusion, we will help find an alternative insurance coverage that is surrogacy friendly, typically an ACA plan. Please keep in mind that any medical expenses relating to the surrogacy pregnancy are the responsibility of the intended parents.

If you do not already have an attorney, we will recommend attorneys in your state of residence that can represent you. The intended parents are responsible for the attorney fees. These attorneys have extensive experience in surrogacy and assisted reproductive technology.

Possibly. You will have to travel to the fertility clinic that the intended parents are using. This could be local or anywhere in the United States so it’s a good idea to mention your preference before the matching process. Any travel expenses would be covered by the intended parents.

Yes, but how much time off can vary. You will likely miss work to complete the medical clearance and embryo transfer. You should also plan for any prenatal doctor appointments and any time off related to symptoms depending on how you experience the pregnancy. You should also account for 4-6 weeks of maternity leave in order to recover from childbirth.

During the matching process, your ongoing relationship with the intended parents is one of the many topics discussed. How much contact after delivery is usually agreed upon between the surrogate and the intended parents before the journey begins. There are individuals that would like little communication after the birth and others that are open to a great deal of communication after delivery. You get to decide what you are most comfortable with and we will match you according to your preference to ensure the best experience possible.

After delivery, you can pump breast milk for the baby if the intended parents request it. You will be compensated for pumping and shipping the breast milk to the intended parents. Intended parents pay for the packaging and shipping fees. Please know that it is your choice whether to pump and the decision in no way impacts whether you can be a surrogate.


No, there should not be any expenses for you to become a surrogate. All incurred expenses are reimbursed or given in a monthly expense allowance from the escrow account that the intended parents are responsible for.

Compensation for surrogacy gets paid out in monthly installments. In addition to the monthly installments, stipends are also given. As a surrogate this is flexible, and you and the intended parents can decide the details of your agreement. This will all be discussed beforehand and outlined in your surrogacy  agreement.

Because you are not an employee, neither Capital Surrogacy nor the intended parents will send you a W-2 or 1099 Form. We suggest that you reach out to your local tax representative with any questions you may have about taxable income.