Why Choose Capital Surrogacy

Considerations When Choosing an Agency

Perhaps the Most Important Decision in Your Surrogacy Journey

Capital Surrogacy was born from a sincere passion for the gift of surrogacy. We all had successful surrogacy journeys that changed our lives for the better. Our goal is to provide the same priceless gift to others wishing to grow their families – using proven best practices in the field of surrogacy that we know firsthand are effective. Equally important to us is personalizing and enhancing your journey to make it remarkable for both intended parents and surrogates.

Other key features can be found on the Process page

Team with Firsthand Surrogacy Experience

We all personally benefited from successful surrogacy journeys. In other words, we really get it! And unless you have personally completed a surrogacy journey, we dare say that you do not fully understand the dynamic relationship between the surrogate and intended parents in the journeys. Also, we comprehend the anticipation and emotional ups and downs that are intrinsic to all journeys, the financial risk that intended parents share, the many steps in a journey that build upon one another, and most importantly, the overwhelming feeling that all of the sacrifice and effort involved in the journey was absolutely worth it when your family is complete. It may be difficult to find another agency in which the team has all personally experienced such a life-changing and impactful journey.

Benefits of Our Agency

The primary benefit of a small agency such as Capital Surrogacy is that Marta will professionally manage cases from the moment of matching until 6 months post-delivery. In this way, the same experienced professional will guide and support intended parents every step of the way. Most importantly, there will not be hand-offs to different agency staff at key points in the journey or unexpected staff turnover as in larger agencies. Marta is knowledgeable and will be deeply invested in your surrogacy case.

Cost-Conscious and Transparent

At Capital Surrogacy, we understand the large financial investment that you are making in creating a family. For this reason and so that surrogacy is available to more intended parents, we keep our fees low compared to other surrogacy agencies. Perhaps most importantly, we will not only be upfront about Capital Surrogacy expenditures, we will also educate intended parents about third party fees in the surrogacy market. Whenever we can ensure cost savings for our intended parents, we will make it readily available.

There will not be additional agency fees if another surrogate is needed to complete the journey. If your IVF clinic medically disqualifies the surrogate or if the surrogate independently leaves for personal reasons, then we will find another match for your journey free of charge. Not all surrogacy agencies can make this commitment.

Personalized Case Management

Marta will personally oversee the match and manage the case from the time of the match until after delivery. As a former social services professional, she has extensive case management experience, including her role in managing surrogacy cases at another agency.

Our Case Manager, a former surrogate, will lead the surrogate screening and recruitment process as well as provide guidance and support to the surrogates throughout the journey. We firmly believe that only individuals who have completed their own surrogacy journeys can truly support other surrogates through their journeys.

Surrogacy journeys can often be emotional and moving. We at Capital Surrogacy strive to maintain a positive and stable journey for all parties. We also provide 24/7 emergency support and attend local embryo transfers, OBGYN appointments, and deliveries, if requested by our intended parents or surrogates.

Bilingual Services

Marta is bilingual (English and Spanish) and will fully support international Spanish-speaking clients in navigating all aspects of their journeys. For these clients, Marta can provide concierge level personal services such as assistance with travel, medical appointments, and securing the legal documentation to bring the baby home. Marta will fully partner with Spanish-speaking intended parents to make the experience seamless from start to finish.