Our Team

Marta Pernas

Marta Pernas



In her role as Founder, Marta will personally work with each intended parent and surrogate to find the ideal match. Throughout the surrogacy journey, she will engage with the group to manage all aspects including providing professional referrals and coordinating all critical steps in the process. Given Marta’s background in counseling, she will also provide critical emotional support and encouragement to intended parents and surrogates whenever needed in their journeys.

Her Surrogacy Story

Above all else, Marta is a mother through the gift of surrogacy. After two unsuccessful surgeries to repair a uterine birth defect, Marta and her husband chose surrogacy as the way towards starting a family.

Their surrogacy journey was filled with unexpected bumps – their IVF clinic disqualified many surrogates the agency presented. When Marta was finally matched with a qualified surrogate, the first much anticipated IVF attempt was unsuccessful. Given limited financial and emotional resources, Marta and her husband decided to try one more time, the second IVF transfer resulting in a twin pregnancy. After so many past disappointments, Marta and her husband were elated but also cautiously optimistic.

All twin pregnancies are high risk pregnancies and at 23 weeks, the surrogate went into pre-term labor. The rest of the pregnancy was emotionally difficult for everyone – Marta, her husband, the surrogate, and her family. The surrogate went on bedrest, could not work, and most importantly, could not care for her own children in the way she would have wanted. Each day that passed was a huge win for everyone – especially for the babies. The twins were born prematurely at 34 weeks, which required three weeks in the hospital NICU.

Marta understands that all surrogacy journeys are unique but they are filled with anticipation and many uncertainties. Marta has profound respect and empathy for the intended parents, the surrogates, and the surrogates’ families. Marta hopes to inform and support all parties during their unforgettable surrogacy journeys – and to make the journeys successful and fulfilling for all.

Professional History

Marta brings substantial public policy and social work experience, all focused on children and families, to her role as Founder of Capital Surrogacy. After her twins were born, Marta served as case manager at a surrogacy agency in the National Capital Region as well as a support specialist in the MedStar Georgetown University NICU – helping families navigate two complex journeys that were pivotal in her life.  Prior to this, Marta expertly advised child welfare systems nationally on multi-stage system reform as part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation.  And in the Division of Unaccompanied Children’s Services within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, she helped develop and implement policies and procedures for the division serving undocumented children.

For over seven years, Marta served as an infertility support group leader, an onboarding lead, and a speaker for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Organization. Marta is currently a professional member of RESOLVE and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Marta holds an MSW from the University of California, Berkeley and received her MPP degree from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Attorney Nicole K. White


Professional Partner

Nicole’s dream of having a family of her own was made possible through assisted reproductive technology (ART) and surrogacy. After learning that she could not carry a child herself, Nicole and her husband decided to pursue IVF/gestational surrogacy to have a baby.

Thirteen months after starting the process, a wonderful and caring surrogate gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Nicole cannot begin to describe the flood of emotions she felt when her daughter was placed in her arms. She will never forget that day, and will forever be grateful for her surrogate. Three years later, Nicole and her husband had another wonderful surrogacy journey that resulted in the birth of their son. Nicole has a great respect for any woman who carries a baby for another person or couple.

Nicole White

As an infertility survivor and mother by surrogacy, Nicole knows that third-party reproduction can be confusing and overwhelming at times. That is why she provides guidance and legal representation to intended parents, gestational surrogates and donors. However, what makes Nicole different is her experience as an intended parent who has gone through the surrogacy process three times.

As a former intended parent, Nicole knows firsthand what you will need – support, guidance, communication and a smooth journey – and what you will go through when starting your family. Her experience also helps her guide you through the financial, emotional and legal aspects of ART and surrogacy.

In fact, the vast majority of ART clients select Nicole as their attorney because of her personal experience as an intended parent.

Nicole can say with confidence that few (if any) attorneys deliver the unique insight she can bring to your surrogacy journey.

Nicole is the owner of Kinsey Law Group, P.C.

Kendra Coble

Kendra Coble


Case Manager

As a previous surrogate, Kendra’s experiences add compassion and knowledge to her role as Case Manager at Capital Surrogacy. As Case Manager, she provides support and guidance as she recruits and screens potential surrogates and then helps match them to intended parents. As a Case Manager with firsthand knowledge, she knows just how important finding a great match is and will be dedicated to providing the best experience possible.

Surrogacy changed Kendra’s life and the life of the family she was helping. Being able to be part of something bigger is what drew her to surrogacy and when her journey ended, she knew that she wanted to be part of this amazing, life changing process in a full-time capacity. She has spent much time in the surrogacy field including meeting and networking with assisted reproductive professionals nationwide.

Kendra’s desire is to assist surrogates in navigating the multi-step surrogacy process. Her strengths in communication and organization help surrogates have the best surrogacy experience possible. She feels that being a parent is one of life’s greatest joys and she feels honored to guide surrogates on this remarkable journey, together. Kendra will use her own experiences to enable other surrogates to have a memorable journey just like the unforgettable one she had.