How Can Capital Surrogacy Support Independent Journeys?

There are substantial advantages to choosing an independent journey for your surrogacy experience. The central benefit is that intended parents save on surrogacy agency fees which have been steadily increasing over recent years. In addition to the financial benefits, some intended parents like the control that they have when navigating and directing the surrogacy journey. They feel more empowered if they can fully guide the surrogacy process and are ultimately responsible for the outcome and the experience.

At Capital Surrogacy, we recognize the strong appeal of saving money especially when the journey already calls for a large financial investment in medical, legal, and mental health resources. Also, in compensating the surrogate for helping bring about the priceless gift of a child. Additionally, we understand that it is difficult to give up control, especially in such an emotional and life-changing journey.

Even so, Capital Surrogacy staff are passionate about helping intended parents navigate their independent surrogacy journeys with thoughtfulness, expertise, and personalized care. We dare say that a modest investment in Capital Surrogacy’s independent journey support services could ensure that critical steps in the process are executed properly, bringing about more security and increasing the potential success of the journey.

At the end of the day, nothing is more difficult than a surrogacy journey that is not successful and then second guessing what could have been done differently along the way. That feeling is one that we do not wish on any intended parent. Let us review the critical points in the journey that can be potentially strengthened with independent journey support services with Capital Surrogacy.

Evaluating a prospective surrogate

Surrogacy agencies spend a significant part of their budgets locating and vetting potential surrogates. The process is not easy for several reasons but especially difficult is the competition between deserving intended parents and agencies looking for qualified surrogates. There is considerable time and energy as well as emotional highs and lows that mark the process. There is also the vital need to make sure that everyone is safe and secure in the relationship – that the surrogate is legitimate in her identity and in her intentions.

With Capital Surrogacy’s independent journey support, we will fully vet the surrogate according to our proven surrogate onboarding process. Through background checks, psychological screening, a home visit, and carefully outlining the surrogate expectations, we make sure that the candidate is ready to move forward. This brings assurance and potential cost savings later for the intended parents.

Finding resources for the journey

When intended parents sign up for independent journey support with Capital Surrogacy, they also receive our list of third-party professionals. Even if it is an independent journey, the clinics require legal and mental health professionals to play important roles in the process. We make the referrals and introductions to the professionals quickly and easily. We also prioritize cost-effectiveness while offering quality services.

We also help intended parents locate their IVF clinics and egg donor agencies as well as monitoring clinics for the surrogate, if needed. There are many reproductive specialists to choose from and we not only consider clinic success rates, cost and resources but also the right culture fit.

Surrogate compensation structure

Agencies work with escrow companies to facilitate the surrogate compensation process. However, Capital Surrogacy not only helps to set up the escrow account but also sets up and executes all scheduled payments in a timely manner. We also reimburse surrogates for lost wages, medical costs, travel expenses and other payments throughout the journey.

Capital Surrogacy spends ample time organizing and executing the payments as part of the independent journey support so that the intended parents do not have to. Perhaps more importantly, intended parents are assured that appropriate and timely payments are being made to their surrogates. Also, the surrogates are more secure in knowing that the agency will fulfill the payments. Often interchange between the surrogates and intended parents regarding finances are not easy and the independent journey support makes the process more seamless and transparent.

Relationships are long and complex in surrogacy journeys

If everything goes smoothly in agency led surrogacy journeys, it typically takes 12-14 months from the time of surrogate and intended parent match to delivery. In independent journeys, the relationship is much longer since the intended parents and surrogate have met during the surrogate recruitment or have known each other even longer. If the surrogate is family or a family friend, then the relationship has been developed for years and is extremely precious.

Surrogacy journeys are characterized by high stakes and a myriad of emotions depending on the stage of the journey or the success at critical points. The agency case manager is the third party that is on everyone’s side and is working collaboratively to keep everyone on the same page during the journey and equally enthusiastic and hopeful. Often the case manager is the cheerleader and/or sets realistic expectations. Overall, the case manager works hard to maintain the positive relationship that was present at the beginning of the journey.

Independent journeys have become more popular in recent years mainly because of the cost savings involved. Capital Surrogacy’s independent journey support is low in cost compared to that of other agencies that provide surrogacy consulting.  Often Capital Surrogacy’s comprehensive journey support fees are similar to the consulting costs of other agencies – but only for a specific part of the journey. We will meet you at the point when you’ve found your prospective surrogate, vet the surrogate, and help you navigate all the subsequent parts of your life-changing journey.

Please see the cost sheet for our independent journey support pricing.

We encourage all prospective intended parents to contact Capital Surrogacy and learn more about the journey. Please complete the short contact form, we cannot wait to hear from you!