BMI Importance

Surrogate Requirements - Why is BMI so Important?

As a surrogacy agency, it is very difficult to turn away an otherwise amazing qualified and giving surrogate because her BMI is outside of the acceptable range. This is especially difficult if the surrogate candidate has had her own healthy full-term pregnancies in the past. And of course, if she is genuinely excited to help intended parents grow and fulfill a long-standing dream through surrogacy.

At Capital Surrogacy, we follow the recommendations of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) to find surrogate candidates with a BMI of 19 to 33. We will support and maintain a relationship with surrogate candidates with a BMI over 33 but it is often difficult to find an IVF clinic that will accept a surrogate candidate with a BMI that is too low or high.

ASRM bases their decision on medical evidence. According to the research, it may be more difficult to become pregnant or there may be more pregnancy complications if a woman falls outside of the recommended BMI range. These findings are especially important in surrogacy pregnancies when IVF clinics want the best possible chance for a healthy and successful pregnancy – both for the surrogate and for the intended parent(s).

According to the Mayo Clinic, having a higher BMI can affect ovulation and the ability to conceive. Even in women with regular ovulation, it may take longer to become pregnant. There is also research showing that it may take additional IVF attempts to achieve pregnancy in women with higher BMI. In surrogacy pregnancies, time is critically important for the intended parents.

Once pregnancy is achieved, there are also several serious pregnancy complications associated with a higher BMI, including:

  • Miscarriage and stillbirth
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Heart problems
  • C-section that is medically necessary

A lower BMI is also associated with a few pregnancy complications affecting the baby. One important study found that women with low BMI had a higher probability of pre-term delivery and low birthweight babies.

When considering becoming a surrogate, calculating one’s BMI is important. We encourage all prospective surrogates to calculate their BMI and learn more about our surrogate requirements. And once again, if the BMI is a bit higher or lower, Capital Surrogacy will support their surrogate candidates to reach the appropriate healthy BMI.