Can I be a Surrogate if my Tubes are Tied?

To quickly answer this question, YES, you can DEFINITELY become a surrogate if you have had your tubes tied. In other words, you can be a surrogate if you have had a birth control procedure called tubal ligation, sometimes known as tubal sterilization. The procedure will protect a woman for the rest of her life from becoming pregnant with her own child but it does not prevent her in any way from becoming a great surrogate.

Getting one’s tubes tied means that a woman’s fallopian tubes are surgically cut, blocked, or sealed off to prevent pregnancy. This prevents an egg from making its way from the ovaries to the uterus. In this way, a woman who has had her tubes tied has an almost 100% chance of not becoming pregnant with her own biological child.

Nonetheless, having one’s tubes tied does not change a woman’s menstrual cycle or the health of her uterus. She can be a surrogate because she can still carry a baby in her uterus. During an embryo transfer cycle, the reproductive endocrinologist transfers the intended parents’ embryo to the surrogate’s uterus bypassing her fallopian tubes entirely. In this way, she can successfully become pregnant as a surrogate.

There is actually a significant advantage to having your tubes tied as a surrogate. Most importantly, you will not become pregnant with your own child while being a surrogate. But you can absolutely carry a baby for intended parents giving them the life changing gift of a child.

We encourage all prospective surrogates to contact Capital Surrogacy and learn more about the process. Please complete the short contact form, we cannot wait to hear from you!