At Capital Surrogacy, we work with clinics that accept surrogate candidates from ages 21 to 45. Clinics tend to have different age ranges for their potential surrogates but we work with a number of clinics that feel comfortable working with surrogates up to the age of 45. The overall feeling for working with surrogates in their 40’s is that each woman is different and that there is a high likelihood that if a woman lives a healthy lifestyle and makes beneficial choices, she will likely pass the surrogate medical screening and have a safe and successful surrogacy pregnancy. In other words, higher maternal age makes certain pregnancy risks more possible but the majority of pregnancies for women over age 35 have very positive outcomes.
It is worthwhile to list the pregnancy risks that become more worthy of discussion in later maternal age:
- The risk of gestational diabetes increases. Gestational diabetes also increases the risk of premature birth and high blood pressure during pregnancy.
- The risk of developing gestational hypertension goes up. This increases the possibility of preterm delivery.
- There’s a greater risk of premature birth and having a baby with a low birth weight.
- The risk of pregnancy loss is higher. The risk of miscarriage and stillbirth increases with age. It is unclear if higher chromosomal issues are at play or complications during the pregnancy but overall, pregnancy loss goes up.
Nonetheless, in most cases, age during pregnancy is simply a number. If a surrogate receives ongoing and competent medical care, maintains a healthy weight and makes good lifestyle choices, she will likely deliver a healthy baby. Here is a list of things that all women can do to ensure a healthy pregnancy but are specifically helpful for pregnant women in their 40’s.
- Seek regular prenatal care. It is important to maintain regular prenatal visits to monitor the pregnancy. Communication with the healthcare provider is key to pinpointing and addressing any issues that may come up.
- Eat a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet supplemented with a daily prenatal vitamin can provide the woman with proper nutrition.
- Gain weight cautiously and exercise. Work with one’s OBGYN to put together a diet and exercise plan that is beneficial to the pregnancy.
- Be cautious of substances. Surrogates commit to no tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs before or during the pregnancy, but they will also not pass the medical screening if using OTC and prescription medications that could be harmful while pregnancy. Prescription medications during pregnancy should be carefully monitored with the help of an OBGYN.
One of the biggest things that can ensure a successful pregnancy is to be as healthy as possible before becoming pregnant. Clinics diligently screen potential surrogates during the medical clearance process. They expertly review medical records, receive clearance from the surrogate’s OB, perform up-to-date blood work, and do a thorough in person examination. Already from the time that a surrogate provides her medical records to the intended parents’ clinic and certainly during the in-person medical screening at the clinic, it will be clear if a surrogate candidate of higher maternal age has a very good chance of delivering a healthy baby.
We welcome all women ages 21 to 45 that are interested in becoming surrogates to contact Capital Surrogacy and learn more about the process. Please complete the short contact form, we cannot wait to hear from you!